Friday 22 January 2010

A bit more helpful!

Jeanine from the Welfare Advice rang me today and seemed more talkative and we've arranged for her to come to me on a home visit on Febuary 1st.
In the mean time I need to fill in the generics of the form like my name, address, bank details etc and write down other stuff as it happens. How long it takes me to get dressed, get out of bed, etc etc so I'll be making notes from now on and saving them to the laptop in a word file.

I didn't make my Rhuematology appointment this morning thanks to being shown last nights dinner again in the loo. I feel ok now, tummy seems fine, I've eaten a light lunch and dinner and kept it down, so I have no idea what it was, whether it's the fluoxetine kicking in or not I don't know.
I also saw on my appointment letter after I'd cancelled that I need to bring a urine sample with me too and I don't have a bottle so I need to get one from the GP office, lovely.

That's about it really, nothing major apart from the throwing up this morning, dead leg is still with me, still stuck indoors, still staying in my PJ's all day.

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