Sunday 17 January 2010

Almost got my relaxing day!

....but I didn't have any food in the house to Nathan took me to Asda this morning. Straight in and straight out as I was exhausted. Although I rely on my crutches to be mobile they tire my arms out so they still aren't a solution.

Had to take a nap this afternoon aswell, I try not to sleep in the day but today I just needed it, payback time for yesterday.

Still waiting on my DLA forms to come through, I got my ESA forms on Saturday morning but I need to ring work as they want my sick note as evidence and won't accept copies. I'm hoping tomorrow I'm well enough to start my DLA draft to get the ball rolling too.
Tuesday I have my blood test which is a fasting one so no food and only water from 9pm Monday night. Wednesday I have a chap from the council coming round to go through my finances as I should qualify for more LHA and Council Tax benefit and Thursday I have my appointment at the hospital with the Rheumatologist.
Busy week, not one I'm looking forward to.

I'm still trying to come to terms with all this benefit stuff, I've always worked so I'm riddled with guilt about it at the moment and feel like people will be judging me a sponger, trust me, I'd be working if I could.

Glasses are going ok, still trying to get used to them and managed to hit them twice today when I go to rub my eyes and I forget they're there, but I've had my first headache free day for weeks!

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